for Thursday
September 6, 2001
Lights, Camera, Action!!
"Could It Be Magic? The Barry Manilow Songbook" at the Mercury Theater has just extended its run through Thanksgiving 2001!! Go see it for yourself at the lowest ticket prices yet. About twenty dollars will get you in the door and open your eyes to the best musical revue in town. It's a non-stop heart-pounded foot-tapping experience that will send you singing out the door. There is still time to get your tickets but they are going fast, so don't wait. Plus, you could end up on TV? Tell everyone in Chicago how much you love the show.... Go to "Could It Be Magic? The Barry Manilow Songbook" at the Mercury Theater in Chicago on September 12th when they will be videotaping audience testimonials. To get your tickets today, call the BMIFC at 310-957-5788.
That's all for now!
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