Barry Manilow - Feedback


Barry Manilow International Fan Club inquiries: Contact the BMIFC.

Correspondence directed to Barry should be forwarded to the BMIFC office in Southern California.

Website comments: E-mail




photo by Francine Oye

 Focus of the BarryNet is to integrate official Barry Manilow related Internet sites, etc., tie in local fan club activity, and offer a unique view of the World Wide Manilow Phenomenon that can only be made possible by collecting Ideas, Information and the Imagination of many. 
Special Thanks to the following for their contributions to The BarryNet

  • Daunna Becker, whom we "Can't Smile" Without.  You're amazing!
  • Juanita Martinez, Rosemary Parks, Sandy Perkins, Sheron Tippens and Daunna, for the many Past Performance and Special Appearance listings.
  • Candy Allen, Donna Beck, Hazel Bell, Margaret Bennett, Pat Best, Amber Biagi, Edwin Blackwell, Liz Boynes, Paul Chambless, Sharon Dawkins, Janet Depew, Sue Dickerson, Carol Donofrio, Christine Dowden, Jim Ducharme, Pat Dugdale, Terri English, Joy S. Feldman, Frances Galiardo, Donna Garrambone, Trish Gilson, Matt Gironda, Courtney Gray, Robbie Griffith, Meryle Hager, Teri Hodgson, Dana Holland, Cindy Howell, Donna Kelly, Amy Kenter, Carol Knoll, Georgy Knowles, Sabrina Koehler, Marcia Koretsky, Lulu Lange, Gigi Lathrope, Mary Leininger, Elaine Lemieux, Barbara Lovejoy, Jane Mangano, Evelyn Mangilet, Marge Meall, Karen Mersch, Maggie Miller, Tracy Miller, Anne Ogden, Francine Oye, Gary Oye, Rosemary Parks, Ronda Piluso, Jill Prince, Cheryl Pursell, Peggy Recer, Karen Reller, Debbie Root, Lisa Rundgren, Susan Sexton, Barbara Smentek, Mary Lee Smith, Kathy Sutherland, Gail Van Bergen, Mary Ware, Sandra Watson, Pam Wheeler, Lori Wise and Mark Worrall who are helping make it possible for us to "See The Show (and more) Again" (. . . in pictures).
  • Stiletto Entertainment and the BMIFC for their support.
  • and of course The Man, His Music, The Shows, and His Fans . . .

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This Page Created December 28, 1995 (Last Updated January 1, 2025)
Barry Manilow International Fan Club and the BarryNet, ©1995-2025
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