Tuesday, August 27, 1991 | |
CHECK-IN - HYATT REGENCY ATLANTA | Pick-up Convention Delegate Portfolio, sign-up for activities, meet friends at the Hot Stuff Lounge, check out the Activity Center, visit the General Store! |
SLEWFOOT SUE'S SOUTHERN SHUTTLE | 18-mile 90-minute scenic sunset ride around the City on the New Georgia Railroad, from Zero Milepost (the Center of Old Atlanta) through Inman Park (Atlanta's first suburb and home of Coca-Cola's founders), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Historic District, and the banks of Peachtree Creek. |
UNDERGROUND ATLANTA | Shopping, restaurants, nightclubs! Humbug Square, Packinghouse Row, Kenny's Alley...the entertainment heart of the Underground! Back at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom, an exclusive showing of "Live on Broadway in Tokyo!" (from 1990) + a Broadway Dessert Buffet! |
This Page Created March 23, 1999 (Last Updated April 10, 1999)
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