 Thanks, Steven, for the 1977 Tour information!
January 1, 1977 | New York/New York City (Uris Theatre) | Ticket prices ranged from $9.00 to $15.00! - Michael Franco (4/5/98) First/Favorite Show (January 2): My sister and brother-in-law took me to the concert as a gift for my 16th birthday. I was instantly struck by Barry's enthusiasm, sense of humor, sincerity, and most of all his music and musicianship. Highlights: The "VSM" with Lady Flash and the "Could it Be Magic/Mandy" medley. I became a fan that very night and have been ever since (2/16/1999). I've been fortunate to have seen Barry perform approximately 10 times. The first time is always my favorite because of the impression he made on me back then. Barry's persona of being a confident musician but humble 'star' has stayed with him through the years (6/21/2015). - Ed Rising (Mineola, New York) January 2: My mother took me to the concert as a gift for my 15th birthday. Were we ever so surprised to hear him say he was taping that night for the Barry Manilow Live album. Now that it's been re-released on CD, I tell everyone that I'm the one yelling in the background (30 years ago). It was an amazing show that my mom & I both loved! - Beth Weiner (Broomall, PA) (9/21/2007) |
January 2, 1977 |
January 12, 1977 | Illinois/Chicago (Auditorium Theater) | First Show - Elva Rivera (Chicago, IL) (8/13/99) First Show - Dayna Euhus (Des Plaines, IL) (8/7/99) First Show: Barry is the best entertainer around. No one can put on a show like he can and he has such a good time on stage singing for us. He just seems to get better and better. - Kelly Luttig (Beloit, WI) (3/3/2002) This was my very first date. I took Donna because I liked her and her Mom worked for Ticketmaster at a local Sears store. I figured I could get great seats and have a great date! I bought four tickets (Thank God for the paper route money!) because my parents had to drive us to Chicago from Calumet City, Illinois. We had a great time, the show was great, seats were the first row balcony! I remember Barry was nominated for a Grammy Award, so he performed pieces of the nominated songs and I'll never forget the fun he had with Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover". I have since been to 731 concerts in my life, and 25-30 Manilow shows, with the last one being at The United Center in January of 2008. But this was my very first concert which not only sparked my passion for music, but also, my love of live music and concerts. - Dave Riel (Highland, Indiana) (12/26/2011) I was ten years old and all I played was Barry Manilow. Aside from the fact that I was seeing my favorite performer and it was my very first concert EVER, the excitement was OVERWHELMING. And, of course, in Manilow style, it remains the best concert I've ever been to. It also holds a huge spot in my heart because of my big brother. My brother had gotten floor seats for him and his girlfriend for the concert. Pretty good seats, too (he's nine years older than I am). Well, after seeing my disappointment that I couldn't go with him, my selfless brother at only 19 years old gave his tickets to me so my mother could take me, and he got nosebleed seats for him and his girlfriend. This caused a huge fight with her and they didn't speak for a couple weeks. But the thing I'll remember along with the awesome concert was my brother telling me, "Don't you worry, the fight was worth it. I'd do anything for you!" He introduced me to Barry's music in the first place and he always made me feel like a princess. It was the most special experience that fills me with such emotion to this day. I have so many profound experiences tied to Barry's music that just came about naturally and unintentionally, but that's my favorite concert of all time. Thank you, Barry, for doing what you do for all of us. You're a treasure in this world that could never be surpassed. - Kitty Kuzma (Chicago, Illinois) (2/19/2012) First Show (January 13) - Timothy Adornetto (Chicago, Illinois) (4/18/2012) Second Show - Gail Miller (Chicago, Illinois) (5/26/2012) First Show (January 13) - Carrie (of Manhattan, Illinois) (10/9/2013) |
January 13, 1977 | Illinois/Chicago (Auditorium Theater) |
January 14, 1977 | Illinois/Chicago (Auditorium Theater) |
January 15, 1977 | Illinois/Chicago (Auditorium Theater) |
January 19, 1977 | Wisconsin/Milwaukee (Milwaukee Auditorium) | First Show Memory: He had Lady Flash and they did the VSM, did the Bandstand Boogie, complete with all out dancing with the girls, the old sailfish and whiskey snifter on the piano...quite the showman! - Sue Loomis (1/20/98) Favorite Show: I was a bit older (than when I first saw Barry in 1975), and more familiar with his music. We were on the floor, in the sixth row. Lady Flash was fantastic. I saw the entire Copacabana stage show - costumes, props, and all. Still the most entertaining show of any one I've seen to date. Thanks, Barry! - Laura Brennan (Kansas City, MO) (5/26/2000) First Show: [What I like about Barry] is his energy and songs. I also love the way the audience knows all the words to all of Barry's songs. - Candy Becker (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) (3/4/2015) First Show - Lori ODell (Colorado Springs, Colorado) (3/25/2016) |
January 20, 1977 | Ohio/Columbus (Veterans Memorial Auditorium) | First Show - Roger Miller (Columbus, OH) (8/16/99) January 20-21: First Show - Suellen Vance (Columbus, Ohio) (5/25/2011) First Show (January 21) - Judy S. (of Florida) (4/21/2013) |
January 21, 1977 | Ohio/Columbus (Veterans Memorial Auditorium) |
January 22, 1977 | Indiana/Indianapolis (Convention Center) | Favorite Show: 12th row! Closest I've been!! - Bev Marshall (Clayton, IN) (5/11/99) This was my very first concert of Barry's. I was 16 and rode five hours on a bus to get to Indy. I started crying when he came on stage and cried through the entire concert. I have seen him dozens of times since in dozens of arenas and the same thing happens, but this is my most memorable. Love ya Barry!! - Rebecca Nicholson (Evansville, Indiana) (1/27/2012, 1/3/2017) |
January 29, 1977 | Ohio/Cleveland (Cleveland Music Hall) | First Show - Gayle Rosiek (Mentor, OH) (3/10/2002) |
January 30, 1977 | Ohio/Cleveland (Cleveland Music Hall) |
January 31, 1977 | Ohio/Cincinnati (Music Hall) | First Show - Pam Wheeler (Monroe, OH) (4/30/2000) First Show (January 31) - Diane Adam (Cincinnati, OH) (1/26/2011) First Show (January 31) - Paula Collum (Tucson, Arizona) (2/25/2013) You were very nice to greet me (Alan Axelrod's sister) at breakfast the day after the concert here in Cincinnati during the 1970's. I have very fond memories of the years my brother traveled with you and the excitement of your fans! - Barbara Axelrod Fried (Cincinnati, Ohio) (12/13/2015) |
February 1, 1977 | Ohio/Cincinnati (Music Hall) |
February 4, 1977 | New York/Binghamton (Broome County Arena) | |
February 6, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Philadelphia (Academy of Music) | First and Favorite Show: I was only 13 years old and my parents attended the show with me. My mom was tired of my going on and on about how wonderful Barry was, so she had to see for herself. Afterwards, she admitted that I did have a point - his music was "okay" - (Just OKAY??). [Well] we were in the nosebleed section, but once Barry started the show, all I could do was cry because I couldn't believe it was really him. I had made a huge scrapbook and given it to Michael Devereaux (his personal assistant at the time). A few days later, I received it in the mail and Lady Flash had autographed it (Mr. Devereaux also wrote a note saying, "Barry thinks you should hold onto this since you spent so much time on it!"). In my impressionable 13-year-old mind, I thought that made Barry even more wonderful! - Lisa Marie Garrison (Philadelphia, PA) (7/12/99) First Show (February 7): I have to admit, I did not know who Barry Manilow was when my fiance' (at the time) took me to see him. He had given me five tickets to different shows in a Christmas card and wrote, "Guess who has the seat next to you," and Barry's concert was one of them. We had front row seats. Once Barry began to sing, I recognized his songs from the radio. I was hooked from then on. The Academy of Music was the perfect place to see him. Barry was different from other singers I had seen back in the 70's. He put on a show and really entertained the audience. I liked when he talked to us and told stories of his days in piano bars. At one point during the show, someone walked right down the aisle and stood next to me and motioned him over to her. She wanted him to sign her music book and she was going on and on about how she played piano (I couldn't believe she did that during the show!). Well, Barry just stood there, put one hand on his chin and the other under his elbow switching arms a few times, made a few funny faces (as he sometimes does during his shows), and politely asked her to sit down and see him after the show. My fiance' had thought she said she moved pianos as he said she looked like she could! Between that comment and Barry's reaction, all I could do was laugh. I often wondered if she ever got Barry's autograph! Since my hometown is Philadelphia, I really enjoyed the American Bandstand segment. It was a special date for me and the start of many enjoyable concerts seeing Barry. - Mary Greiner (Bel Air, MD) (9/12/2000) First Show - Kay Staib (Cogan Station, PA) (12/28/2000) First Show - Christine Gatta (Haverford, PA) (4/15/2009) |
February 7, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Philadelphia (Academy of Music) |
February 8, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Philadelphia (Academy of Music) |
February 9, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Philadelphia (Academy of Music) |
February 11, 1977 | New York/Syracuse (Civic Center Theater) | |
February 12, 1977 | Pennsylvania/ Wilkes-Barre (Kings College) | First Show: I wasn't old enough to drive yet, so my parents drove me 40 minutes to that first concert. I was hooked. That was the first of many dozens of Barry concerts for me, all over the country! - Elaine Guzek (Scranton, PA) (2/3/2008) |
February 13, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Erie (Erie County Fieldhouse) | This was my first Barry concert. I was dating my later-to-be husband in high school and I took him to this concert in one of the worst snow storms ever. I still see Barry as often as possible. Come back soon! - Patty Knecht Buck (Cockeysville, MD) (11/25/2000, 1/5/2001) First Show: I liked everything! Barry is still my favorite!! - Sue Sexauer (Erie, PA) (2/16/2002) My first time seeing Barry ... My daughter takes great joy in telling people I left her on her first birthday to go see Barry! - Valerie Dattilo (Carthage, NC) (8/9/2010) |
February 23, 1977 | Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh (Heinz Hall) | First Show - Sandy Lapiska (Orlando, FL) (9/10/98) Mike Kunkle (Ashtabula, OH) (10/13/99) First Show - Karen Zovko (Pleasant Hills, PA) (12/8/99) First Show - Linda Holzer (Pittsburgh, PA) (5/7/2000) First Show - David G. Redding (of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Florida!) (11/3/2006) |
February 25, 1977 | Tennessee/Memphis (Ellis Auditorium) | First Show - Jimmy Godwin (Booneville, MS) (11/8/2000) First Show (February 26) - Susan Cost-Hoaglin (Memphis, Tennessee) (2/7/2021) |
February 26, 1977 | Tennessee/Memphis (Ellis Auditorium) |
February 27, 1977 | Tennessee/Memphis (Ellis Auditorium) |
March 25 (early), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) | Ad in Daily Variety (3/31/77), thanking Barry for six sold-out shows - note from Sheron Tippens (3/23/98) Billy Crystal opened for Barry in Lake Tahoe (1977)! - Tali Galassi (10/18/98) I saw Barry for my Sweet Sixteen birthday and he sang "Happy Birthday" to me in front of everybody. On March 27 I will be traveling to Las Vegas to see him for my 50th birthday and would love for him to sing happy birthday to me, again! - Shannon Kelly (of California) (12/30/2010) First Show - Joyce Mamou (Daly City, California) (11/2/2011) First Show (March 25): This man's music filled a misfit 13-year-old girl's world with hope. It let me know I was okay even when things around me were not normal. Thirty years later I've seen him multiple times in Vegas. - Maureen (of Phoenix, Arizona) (1/22/2016) |
March 25 (late), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) |
March 26 (early), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) |
March 26 (late), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) |
March 27 (early), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) |
March 27 (late), 1977 | Nevada/Lake Tahoe (Sahara Tahoe Hotel) |
March 31, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) | The original MGM Grand, now Bally's - Sheron Tippens (3/23/98) The first concert that I saw was the best by far. Barry sat at his piano and sang his songs. If I remember correctly, it was a very simple show. He was great. Since then, I think his stage show has overtaken him. Now, he sings a part of this and a part of that [as] he has more songs now. I love his music and would like to hear complete songs. I have yet to see anything in his stage show that is more entertaining than The Man himself. - Joe Lombardi (St. Louis, MO) (8/4/2003) First Show: I first saw Barry in April 1977, although my favorite Barry story was the first time Barry was in Las Vegas. I wanted one of Barry's signs off the top of the taxi cabs. Spent 2 days trying to get one, then I spoke with a older gentleman taxi driver who told me to meet him behind Circus Circus at 10:45 that night and he would give me his sign. I did. - Diane (of McHenry, IL) (10/1/2005) First Show - Linda Palm (Council Bluffs, Iowa) (12/8/2012) First Show: Barry sat down on stage and held my hand and my sister-in-law's. She jumped on stage as the tables were up against the stage and put one dollar in the dish at the Dew Drop Inn in the dish on piano. From that point forward we always screamed when he sang "I Write The Songs" when he says "I make the young girls cry." His mother came to us afterward and said she was glad we loved his singing. His mother and mine who were both from New York and spoke for almost ten minutes! - Jodi Greggs (Anaheim, California) (2/9/2016) First Show - James S. Dockstader (9/23/2018) |
April 1, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 2, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 3, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 4, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 5, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 6, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 7, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 8, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 9, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 10, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 11, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 12, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |
April 13, 1977 | Nevada/Las Vegas (MGM Grand Hotel) |