for Thursday
August 1, 2019

New on Manilow TV for August: Edna Tribute
September 10, 1994 - Cleveland, Ohio

Heart, humor and humanity...

Barry displays all three of those great words within the first 10 minutes of this special show as he took to the stage the day after his mother Edna passed away.

Marc Hulett here, Barry’s assistant, with a note about this month’s episode. It’s such a personal show that I asked Barry if I could write it.

Edna was something else.

She loved her son more than life and she loved show business.

I know she would have loved the tribute Barry did for her when he walked out onto that stage that night.

I could only find the first act of this Cleveland show but I never forgot those first 10 minutes and am so happy you get to see it all these years later.

To present you a full show, I took the second act from December 22, 1994 in San Diego which represents what the rest of the show would have looked like on that day in September.

Thanks to Edna for bringing us Barry, and thanks to Barry for sharing so much of himself with us as he continues to inspire with his heart, humor and humanity.


Marc Hulett
Assistant to Barry Manilow for the last 96 years

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