for Wednesday
April 24, 2002

BMIFC tickets for the following Manilow Concerts at...

  • San Antonio, Texas on July 6th at the Verizon Amphitheater.
  • Indianapolis, Indiana on July 11th at the Verizon Amphitheater.
  • Wantagh, New York on July 31st and August 1st at Jones Beach.
  • Holmdel, New Jersey on August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at the PNC.

...will go on sale at the BMIFC tomorrow, Thursday, April 25th, at 10:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time. To order your BMIFC tickets, call 310-957-5788. You must be a current member of the BMIFC to order fan club tickets. Please have your membership number and credit card information ready when you call.

Fan Club tickets for Phoenix, Birmingham, Saratoga Springs, and New Haven have been sent out and should be arriving on your doorstep shortly.

Look for Barry for a full hour on "Larry King Live" on Friday, May 17th on CNN.... AND... for a full hour of non-stop music on CBS on Saturday, May 18th. Check your local TV listings for exact times.

That's all for now...

Hotline for April 18, 2002 | BMIFC contacts, numbers, addresses

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This Page Created May 25, 1997 (Last Updated April 24, 2002)
Barry Manilow International Fan Club and the BarryNet, ©1997-2002
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