A Message from Barry

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Like so many of you, I've spent the last few days glued to CNN and watching the devastation that hit Oklahoma. Sometimes the news is overwhelming. And sometimes it seems that we have gone from one tragic event to the next. But as I watch the news, I am also overwhelmed by the triumph of the human spirit. Whether they be in Haiti, or Japan, or Joplin, New York, New Jersey, or New Orleans, the Philippines, or Moore, Oklahoma.... I am inspired by a steady stream of smiling faces determined to re-build, re-start, and carry on. All of them buoyed by their faith, their families, and their friends.

I know that I often sing songs of heartache. And hope that they bring comfort to those with broken hearts.

But I also sing songs of hope. And my personal hope is that these songs provide comfort to my friends in Oklahoma and in all places that have faced such overwhelming obstacles.

I made it through the rain. And I know that you can too.

My heart goes out to each of you,


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